Catching Up With Erica Dalziel
Posted by: Wisconsin Skydiving Center 5 years ago
During this unprecedented time in history, we are all being forced to adapt and make changes that can be uncomfortable. While we wait to see when we return to the skies, we wanted to document what members of our community are doing during this time. This snapshot will serve as an interesting reminder of how we all coped when we look back and reflect on this time. Enjoy this snapshot of Erica Dalziel.
Name: Erica Dalziel
Role (if any) at Wisconsin Skydiving Center: videographer, coach, sport jumping fool
Where Do You Currently Live?: Just moved to Edgerton, WI two weeks ago!

What kind of work do you do? How has your job been affected in light of Covid-19?
I’m a Nursing Home Administrator. COVID-19 has dramatically changed our world. Every employee has to take their temperature at the start of every shift and attest they are asymptomatic and wear a mask all shift. Our elders haven’t seen their families since March 13th (with the exception of our increase in social media blasts, and some skyping). No communal dining, no group activities, all residents have a whole panel of vitals taken every 8 hours… and the stimulus bill provided my government oversight agency extra funds to provide punitive feedback to facilities on how they’re handling it.
What have you been doing to occupy your time during the quarantine?
Needless to say, work continues to occupy a lot of time. But we just moved, so a lot of house projects! Exploring our new stomping grounds; biking, parks, dog walking :)
There have been many negatives related to the coronavirus. What have been the silver linings?
The community has monumentally stepped up to support my facility and the healthcare community. People using their talents to make and donate facemasks, distilleries making sanitizers, manufacturers making face shields, etc. People have united for the fight.
Has the coronavirus revealed things you once took for granted that you now appreciate?
It seems like an overgeneralization, but the ability to do what I want, when I want to.
What are you most looking forward to doing (outside of skydiving of course) when you get on the other side of the quarantine?
Skydiving, of course! My mom seeing my new house. When my baby brother is allowed back stateside, he gets out of the Marine Corps and moves home!

What’s your secret superpower that few people know about?
I don’t know..
What are one to three books that have greatly influenced your life?
I don’t know about greatly influenced my life, but I love all Dan Brown books: thought-provoking page-turners. Jodi Piccoult loves to get controversial. And of course Harry Potter.
What is the most useful thing you own under $100?
One of my dogs was free, so probably them! Love them. Or my coffee pot.
What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?
Hmm… I probably talk to my dogs more than the average person.
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