Skydiving Dos and Don’ts For Beginners and First-timers
Skydiving Tips
Posted by: Wisconsin Skydiving Center 3 years ago
Planning on making a skydive in Wisconsin? We know the days leading up to your very first jump can be a little nerve-wracking. So, how do you calm anxiety before skydiving? Here’s a little industry secret: the more you know, the better!
Before your jump, you may not even have the first clue about the skydiving dos and don’ts, but by being aware and adequately preparing, you can feel confident and ready for the adventure ahead!
What do you say? Let’s “jump” right into some common skydiving dos and don’ts.

Skydiving Dos
Do: Plan Ahead
If you’re wondering, how do I prepare for my first skydive? The answer is simple. Plan ahead. Being prepared is the name of the game, and the easiest way to ensure you’re ready to make your first skydive in the Midwest is to read up on specific dropzone requirements and restrictions. Most of this information can be found within the FAQ section of the skydiving center’s website, but if you’re unable to locate the details you need, you can always give the dropzone a call.
Do: Get Plenty of Rest the Night Before
The importance of a good night’s rest cannot be overstated. Sleep is crucial for the body and the mind. On the day of your first skydive, you’ll want to make sure you are firing on all cylinders. One of the easiest ways to ensure you are ready and raring to go is to make sure you tuck in early and get plenty of shut-eye the night before. Trust us, you’ll want to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for this adventure!

Do: Purchase a Photo & Video Package
The idea of spending more of your hard-earned money might be a tough pill to swallow, but when it comes to paying to have your first skydive filmed, it’s totally worth it. Look, you only have one first jump. The freefall will pass by in the blink of an eye. If you want to relive the excitement and share it with your loved ones for years to come, get the video! There’s never been a better reason to #treatyoself!
Do: Dress Comfortably
Can you wear leggings skydiving? Absolutely! Skydiving is comfort-forward rather than fashion-first. Think along the lines of athletic wear. Pick clothing items that are appropriate for the weather on the ground, and bring a second layer to accommodate for cooler temps at altitude. If the temperatures are cool, don a light base layer and opt for fleece on top. If the temperatures are warm, you can wear a T-shirt, yoga pants/leggings, or gym shorts. In any weather, you can also request a skydiving jumpsuit to wear over your clothing as an added layer of protection. As far as footwear is concerned, the shoes you choose for skydiving should be closed-toe, preferably lace-up, and comfortable.
Skydiving Don’ts
Now that we’ve covered some skydiving dos, let’s take a look at some skydiving don’ts.
Don’t: Fret About Breathing in Freefall
Though you will be freefalling at a terminal velocity of 120 mph during your skydive, there’s no need to fret over whether you’ll be able to breathe. The rush of the wind in your face is really no greater than if you were to sit in front of a box fan. To combat any chance of hyperventilating, take long measured breaths in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Another thing that you can do is to yell! Yep, that’s right. Hoot. Holler. Whatever you need to do. If you can yell, you can breathe, and it’s an easy way to trick your mind into breathing normally!

Don’t: Drink Alcohol Within 8 Hours of Your Skydive
It might be tempting to knock the edge off with a few drinks before you jump, but under no circumstances should you imbibe alcohol before skydiving. Alcohol dulls your reflexes and negatively affects your response time. Skydiving is all about mitigating risk, but drinking before skydiving increases the risks involved. If we suspect that you have been drinking before your jump, you will not be allowed to skydive. Additionally, it’s not a good idea to drink heavily the night before your jump. Skydiving and hangovers just don’t mix, and the surge in adrenaline is guaranteed to make you sick. A wild time the night before is just not worth ruining your first jump!
Don’t: Skip Breakfast
You might be concerned about eating before skydiving, but eating before your jump is actually encouraged. Of course, we don’t mean gorging yourself on a full, heavy, four-course meal immediately before boarding the aircraft. We simply mean that it is important to eat a well-balanced breakfast (or lunch) on the day of your jump. It’s also a good idea to bring along plenty of water and some light snacks to help tide you over in the event of a weather hold.
Don’t: Worry – Nerves Are Normal
If you’re starting to wonder, should I be nervous to skydive? Well, the answer is kind-of! We’d honestly be a little concerned if you didn’t have some nerves going into it. Part of the beauty of skydiving is learning that you are capable of incredible things – including tackling those jitters and jumping anyway! Some of the most wonderful things await just beyond your comfort zone.
Armed with these skydiving dos and don’ts, your first skydive will be a cake-walk! Ready to get on the books? Give us a call or click to schedule your first tandem skydive today!
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