Why Is Skydiving So Expensive?
Skydiving Tips
Posted by: Wisconsin Skydiving Center 2 months ago
Why does strapping yourself to a complete stranger and doing an airplane jump cost a good bit of dough? Or … does it? Well, it’s all relative. When wondering why is skydiving expensive, we’ve got to consider everything that goes into the jump, from the fuel costs to compensation for instructors and maintaining the gear.
The question we need to ask isn’t, Why is skydiving so expensive? Rather, is skydiving actually expensive when you think about everything that it entails? Let’s break it down!

What Goes Into The Skydiving Cost?
Is skydiving expensive when we do a deep dive into the cost? Objectively, yes, a couple hundred bucks is a couple hundred bucks, and we’re not here to invalidate anyone’s fiscal concerns! That being said, skydiving is actually quite the bargain for everything you’re getting.
Here’s a run-down of the most obvious costs surrounding our beloved sport:
Each of our instructors is rated by the United States Parachute Association (USPA), and have a high level of expertise that enables them to jump out of airplanes with total novices attached to them! It’s a demanding job, but a dream job, and we love doing it.
Think about it like this: when you’re investing in a cake for a special occasion – like a wedding – you’re not just paying for the ingredients, but the expertise of the baker. The same goes for skydiving … except, leaping from a plane is a bit higher-stakes than finding a delicious cake, in our humble opinion!
You’re not just paying for someone who is on their first day of the job, but top-notch instruction to assist you in having the most fun and safest experience possible! Just like that talented baker invested hundreds of hours and lots of money into their training, our instructors did the same. Plus, they actively pursue continuing education and training as the sport advances.
Airplanes are downright EXPENSIVE. And they’re a pretty critical part of a skydiving operation! Between maintenance, fuel, and pilot wages, the operational costs add up quickly. Plus, our planes get a lot of use and keeping them in tip-top shape is no small expense. Jump planes are subject to the same frequent and rigorous inspection that all aircraft undergo, and they must be in compliance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidelines.

You may be shocked to learn that you can’t just buy a parachute anywhere, and each tandem skydiving setup has a healthy five-digit price tag. (Yikes, we know!) But, it’s well worth it – they’re crafted with immaculate attention to detail and precision. A complete skydiving system includes the main parachute, reserve parachute, Automatic Activation Device (AAD), and the harness. PLUS, tandem systems have two harnesses – one for each jumper. Parachute systems are built with reliability at the forefront, and this peace of mind is truly priceless.
From the ground crew who keep operations running smoothly to the pilots who fly you miles up into the sky, we couldn’t do it without our people. Our sky family is our greatest asset and giving them the compensation they deserve is a top priority.
Two critical teams on our crew that we’d like to shout out are the packers and riggers. Parachute packers have one of the most important jobs on the dropzone! It’s standard for them to be paid per pack, and as a tandem skydiver, their pay is factored into the cost of your jump.
We sure can appreciate the value of compensating the person responsible for ensuring a buttery smooth parachute opening, yes?!
FAA-certified parachute riggers are steps above packers, and oversee all parachute packing operations. They’re the ninjas of sewing and can do everything from repacking reserve parachutes (which must be done every 180 days) to making small alterations on entire rigs.

We proudly host our guests at our world-class dropzone. With ample space for hanging out and spectating, we are happy to be able to provide a memorable experience in every aspect, for everyone – whether you come to take the plunge or witness it. While running a dropzone is incredibly fun, it’s still a business and, like any other, it comes with its fair share of operational costs.
So, is skydiving worth the hype? The rush, the freedom, the sense of adventure – it’s all priceless. And every incredible moment is made possible by dedicated and skilled professionals. They’re the ones who pack your parachute, double-check every detail, and give you the confidence to take the leap. It’s not just about the cost; it’s about investing in safety, peace of mind, and ultimately, a truly unforgettable experience. Book your jump today!
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