Meet The Owners
Bo Babovic & Alex Kolacio
Driven By Purpose & Passion
Wisconsin Skydiving Center is owned and operated by husband and wife powerhouse, Bo Babovic and Alex Kolacio. Having jumped around the world and all across the US, they had a very specific vision when they set up shop in 1998: to help others achieve personal growth and empowerment through skydiving.
Today Bo and Alex collectively boast more than 25,000 jumps and 75 years in the sport – and yet their passion for the sport and conviction to inspire hasn’t waned. Together, they have grown a family, a following, and an internationally-respected business focused on safety, community, and fun.

Meet Bo
“Skydiving gave my life direction, meaning…. it made me physically fit, mentally focused, emotionally connected and spiritually aligned with purpose beyond my immediate needs.”
As fate would have it, at age 17 Bo noticed a flyer hanging in his high school hallway for a skydiving course. He’d never even heard of skydiving and couldn’t fathom the need for it, and also couldn’t wait to do it. What happened between that day and this is a rich and exciting story that includes international competition, military service, globetrotting, and grand adventure.
Over the years, Bo has been a Commercial Pilot, an FAA certified Master Parachute Rigger, Certified Aircraft Mechanic with Inspection Authorization, Safety & Training Advisor, and has held a host of other ratings. His greatest joy, though, has been working with students. Across his 40+ years of teaching skydiving, Bo has taken more than 13,000 people on their first jump and has taught over 3,000 students to fly solo.
Bo’s advice is to listen to your gut. If you get that funny feeling in your stomach just thinking about skydiving, go for it!
Meet Alex
“Freefall is the most purifying experience I’ve ever had. It is all about the here and now – no outside distractions, no mind chatter. I land, and I can’t wait to go up again.”
Alex casually agreed to make a tandem skydive over dinner, not really digesting what she’d signed up for until she lay tossing and turning all night. She was resigned to the idea that the next day would be her last day on Earth … and then it turned out to be one of the best. Not only did she live to tell the tale, she’d unknowingly set her wheels in motion toward a new life path.
In the years that followed, Alex blazed a trail in the sport. She raised awareness for Breast Cancer Research through her participation in Jump for the Cause, she earned a World Record, is a Safety & Training Advisor, and has held AFF Instructor, Static Line Instructor, Coach, and PRO ratings. More than 5,000 jumps later, today you’re more likely to engage with Alex on the ground than in the sky – she is who you’ll see when you check in and the one you’ll speak with when you call.
Alex’s advice to those wanting to get into the sport is to get involved. Do as much as possible at the DZ, paid or unpaid – you will be abundantly rewarded.

This Is Us
Learn More About Who We Are
Wisconsin Skydiving Center has always operated as a customer service company that happens to offer A+ skydiving. More than 25 seasons later, we’re still going strong …
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When we established Wisconsin Skydiving Center back in 1998, we were super intentional about cultivating a culture of community, not competition – and more than 25 years later, it’s what we’re known for.
On behalf of our Sky Fam, welcome home!