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Skydiving Tips

Wisconsin Skydiving Center Posted by: Wisconsin Skydiving Center 8 years ago

Ask anyone who’s done it: making a tandem skydive in warm weather is worlds away from the experience of that same skydive in the dead of winter. After all, temperatures at altitude are about 30 degrees lower than they are on the ground. In the heat of the summer, nothing feels better; when there’s snow on the ground, you’d want to be anywhere else.

Unconvinced? Just imagine the wind-chill factor at 120 miles per hour ON A 30°F DAY!!!!

We’re firm believers in the sacredness of a great skydive, and Wisconsin winters just don’t feel good up there. Because we care so much about our jumpers’ experience–and our aircraft safety–we’re closed from November to March.

That said: Colder weather is by no means a deal-breaker. If you have something to celebrate (or just have a strong hankering) during the chillier bookends of our April-to-October season, we’d love to have you! Just remember these cold-weather skydiving tips, and you’ll be well prepared to make a splendid skydive with us.

1. Leave Your Bulky Jacket On The Ground.

The key to success in planning what to wear when skydiving in cold weather? Layers. Wear several, on both the top and bottom halves of your body, to keep yourself cozy. Cold air rushes right through a single layer of fabric, but bulky jackets aren’t fun (or safe) on a skydive.

2. Let Us Keep You Covered.

We have a sturdy jumpsuit for you to wriggle into when you do a tandem skydive with us. Since you’ll already be dressed like an onion, you can easily adjust the number of base layers to fit under the jumpsuit to maximize your comfort.

3. Get Fleeced.

If we had to recommend one fabric for your chilly-weather skydiving get up, that fabric would be fleece. Fleece is form-fitting, it’s elastic, it’s comfortingly soft and it’s not bulky. That means you’ll be as warm as possible while still moving freely in the sky.

4. Protect Those Precious Paws.

Don’t forget your hands! We provide gloves to all of our tandem students, but if you have a favorite pair of ski or snowboard gloves, please don’t hesitate to bring them–and glove liners, to match. Again: no worries if you don’t have them, but you’ll be happy you brought them if you do.

5. Don’t Lose Your Shoes.

No matter what the season, wearing slip-on shoes in freefall is a recipe for a stocking-footed landing. The relative wind in freefall loves nothing more than to steal slip-on (or loose) shoes. When the cold is kicking in, your tootsies would not enjoy that experience. Therefore, we suggest snug-lacing athletic shoes with winter-weather socks underneath–the most comfortable, securest choice of all.

6. Ask Yourself: Why Not Wait?

Don’t feel pressured to do a jump in less than ideal skydiving temperatures. It’s our opinion, fueled by an enormous amount of experience, that folks enjoy their skydives more in balmy weather. Why not wait to celebrate a beautiful spring day? The sky will still be there, and it’s well worth waiting for.
