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Can Kids Go Skydiving?

Skydiving Safety

Wisconsin Skydiving Center Posted by: Wisconsin Skydiving Center 3 months ago

Ah, the age old question, “Can kids go skydiving?” Hard nope! Not here, anyway. The majority of skydiving centers in the United States have a minimum skydiving age limit of 18 years old. Although skydiving for kids happens at some dropzones, most of these are outside the good ole US of A. This age restriction is in place to ensure that all participants are physically and emotionally ready to experience (and actually benefit from) the thrill of the jump. 

This article will explore why age limits in skydiving are crucial, how they help protect young thrill-seekers, and what other adrenaline-filled options are available for the entire family! 

How Old Do You Have To Be To Skydive?  

In accordance with the United States Parachute Association (USPA), nearly all dropzones in the United States require you to be at least 18 to skydive. While it may be exciting to think about young jumpers – we agree the next generation is the future of our sport – it’s important to remember that skydiving is a unique blend of responsibility and excitement that requires a certain level of maturity to fully enjoy. 

Can kids skydive at Wisconsin Skydiving Center near Milwaukee

Is Skydiving Allowed for Kids in Other Countries? 

In some countries, yes! Several countries, including England, Mexico, Brazil and Australia, typically have age restrictions of 16 years old with parental consent. What is the youngest age to go skydiving? For that question, better to ask the Kiwis – there’s no age restriction in New Zealand!

Why Age Restrictions Matter

Safety, safety, safety! Skydiving is an extreme sport that inherently holds risk. Although many of us see this as thrilling and even enticing, kids may struggle to grasp this concept. 

To put this in perspective, think about making a big-ish decision when you were 15 compared to the wherewithal you have when making that same decision when you’re 25. Or 35. A pretty big difference, huh? With life experience comes growth, discernment, and wisdom

Though they don’t want to hear it (just like we didn’t want to hear it, either), a kid has minimal life experience. The concept and implications of really, truly freefalling through the sky at over 100 mph aren’t top of mind. 

An additional, and very important, consideration is the skydiving gear. A tandem skydiving harness is super adjustable … but only to a point. Safely fitting an adult harness to a child’s frame isn’t possible, and also strictly prohibited by gear manufacturers. 

At Wisconsin Skydiving Center, we prioritize the safety and informed consent of all our customers, and therefore set a firm age limit of 18 years old. We promise, it’s an adventure that’s well worth the wait! 

Are There Any Exceptions To The Rule? 

The one standard exception to the rule is for kids under 18 who want to make a “Make-A-Wish” jump. As stated in the Skydiver’s Information Manual: “A waiver for tandem jumps may be issued to terminally ill persons under the age of 18 with manufacturer (of the tandem skydiving gear) approval. The organizer of such jumps must submit a USPA Waiver Request form to the director of safety and training and the chairman of safety and training committee for approval prior to such jumps.” 

Woman giving thumbs up during tandem freefall after her first skydive at Wisconsin Skydiving Center

Can You Go Skydiving While Pregnant? 

Don’t let those AI-generated images of babies skydiving trick you into googling: Can I skydive with my baby? As fun as it looks,  the real-life experience would surely be the opposite. There’s no baby skydiving. 

But what about when your baby has yet to make their earth-side arrival? Yeah, still no. Tandem skydiving is prohibited while expecting a child. Although some licensed and experienced skydivers may choose to jump while expecting, many of them stop as they progress throughout their pregnancy due to safety considerations. 

The sky-high adventures will have to hold off until you deliver, but we would love to host you and your loved ones for your gender reveal! 

Can You Indoor Skydive With Kids? 

Yes! Kids can absolutely go indoor skydiving! The vertical wind tunnel, also called indoor skydiving, is a fantastic family-friendly option. Most wind tunnels have a minimum age of just three years old! Indoor skydiving allows our young adventure-seekers to be introduced to the freedom and excitement of flight without the added risk, adrenaline or fear of actually leaping from a plane. 

Know someone who is about to turn 18? A skydiving gift certificate is the perfect coming-of-age present! Already into your prime years? Book your skydive today! We can’t wait to take the greatest leap of your life with you. Blue skies! 
