First-time skydiving experience
Skydiving Tips
Posted by: Wisconsin Skydiving Center 4 years ago
Doing something for the first time can stir up all kinds of emotions. To some, the prospect of participating in a first-time escapade elicits nervous energy and excitement. While, for others, the notion of a new experience is met with a mix of uncertainty and anxiety. Honestly, we can’t advise on how to approach all first-time encounters, but after 22 years in operation, we do have quality advice when it comes to your first-time tandem skydiving experience.

It’s Okay To Be Nervous
We want to cover this first and foremost. There’s no shame in being nervous to skydive for the first time. As a matter of fact, not only is it “okay” to feel nervous before your first time skydiving experience, it is entirely natural. Really, those nerves serve as a clear indication that you are a thinking, rational human being. It just so happens that your beautiful brain has a few doubts about shaking up the homeostasis it has painstakingly maintained.
Here’s the thing: stability is great, but without a bit of discomfort, there is no growth.
Before getting yourself too worked up and submitting entirely to your nagging nerves, it’s important to remember the fluttering of butterflies in your stomach is not always an indication that something is wrong. Instead, perhaps it is a reminder that there are still wonders left in this world that quicken our heartbeat and really make us feel fully alive.
Set Yourself Up For Success
Now, seeing as it’s your first time skydiving, you probably don’t know exactly what that entails. Allow us to elaborate. In order to be prepared for your first skydive, you’ll need to pay close attention to three primary categories: scheduling, clothing, and sustenance. Cover these three and you’ll be on the fast track to a fantastic first skydive:
1. Scheduling
In order to set yourself up for the best skydiving experience, you’ll want to be sure to schedule your appointment ahead of time. Aside from securing the date and time that works best for you, scheduling ahead gives us your contact information, so we can reach out to you about the weather, wait times, and other helpful information.
2. Clothing
Figuring out what to wear your first time skydiving doesn’t have to be a complicated matter. We suggest comfortable, temperature appropriate athletic clothing. If it’s chilly, be sure to wear a few layers. If it’s warm, a t-shirt and shorts is a simple go-to skydiving outfit.
3. Sustenance
What you eat (or don’t) on the day of your skydive can have a big impact. Lighter fare and healthy snacks keep good ole hunger-induced anger at bay and help you keep your energy up for the big day! If you eat heavy or greasy food before your skydive, you might end up with a half-digested mess. We know what we would prefer!

It’s Crucial To Get Your First Skydive On Video
Beginner skydivers rarely know how important it is to get that first skydive captured on video. Listen, you only get one first skydive. The action-packed portion of a skydive is over relatively quickly. It is only a matter of minutes from the time you exit the plane to the time you land. You may feel like you’ve barely blinked, and your first skydive is over.
In the topsy turvy excitement of your first skydiving experience, it can be easy to miss something. Awash in the glow of a complete adrenaline rush and flooded with endorphins, you’ll be on cloud nine. To hold on to those memories and to show off your bravery to your friends and family, you’ll need to have video evidence. Pay to have your skydive filmed. We promise you won’t regret it.

Take A Breath And Smile
We know it can be easier said than done to quiet the frantic musings of the mind, but your first time skydiving is supposed to be fun (and safe). Remember, you’re about to take in a view that used to belong to birds alone. Take a second to be impressed with yourself. Then, before exiting the plane, take a deep breath and smile!
We truly enjoy introducing people to the incredible world of skydiving and can’t wait to take you on your first skydive. For even more advice on your first time skydiving experience, check out our other skydiving blogs. Or if you have specific questions, please give us a call!
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