Skydiving Tips
Posted by: Wisconsin Skydiving Center 9 years ago

No pressure or anything, but…you only get to do that first tandem skydive once. I mean: you can skydive every day for the next fifty years (which some rad old people we know have actually done!) but the first time is the only first time you’ve got.
How do you milk the very most out of that once-in-a-lifetime experience? We’ve seen enough first-time tandem skydivers come through our doors to know exactly how to optimize it. So, here are our top tandem skydiving tips.
1. Book Early
Some other dropzones are conveyor-belt affairs, with little personal engagement and a big crowd of waiting would-be jumpers. We don’t roll like that at WSC, so we don’t take as many bookings as the other guys crank out. If you have a special date that you’d like to jump, make sure to book it [a couple of weeks] ahead of time to make sure we have space in the schedule.
2. Your Reservation Time Is Your Arrival Time.
This is an easy one to mix up, so let’s clarify: the time that you reserve with us is the time that you should plan to arrive at the dropzone. There will be some instruction that you’ll need before the actual jump can take place, as well as equipment fitting and orientation. (Estimate that you’ll spend about 3-4 hours at the dropzone from your arrival time, for planning purposes.)
3. Bring Friends And Family.
It might be tempting to sneak off and snag that jump solo, but trust us: having a cheering crowd at the landing area is the very best sound you can hear under a parachute. You want this. We promise.
4. Get Photography (so You Can Have No Regrets).
While that landing-area posse is going to Instagram you within an inch of your life, we promise–based on the hard data of all the tandem students we hear it from–that you want photos and videos in freefall. We’re not just trying to upsell you, here. When people don’t get photo and video footage of that first skydive, they always kick themselves.
5. Eat Normally.
It’s not a great idea to walk into a tandem skydive with an overfull stomach or an empty stomach. We suggest bringing along a few snacks to be sure your blood sugar stays on an even keel.
6. Don’t Booze It Up The Night Before.
Trust us on this one: hangover plus tandem skydive equals very bad plan.
7. Hydrate.
Don’t drink alcohol, but do drink water and other hydrating fluids. Between your general state of excitement and the effects of altitude, it’s easy to see how dehydration can sneak up on the unsuspecting. Don’t let it happen to you.
8. Prepare For An Amazing Time!
As you can see, it doesn’t take much to get yourself lined up for the perfect tandem skydive. Once you have, you can rest assured that the first time you embrace that big, blue sky will be the best moment it can possibly be…and it is going to be a landmark moment.
For more skydiving tips, check out our first time FAQs or contact a member of our team. We look forward to sharing this experience with you!
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