Skydiving Tips
Posted by: Wisconsin Skydiving Center 8 years ago
The Biggest Regret: Not Getting Video
That seems like a weird regret, huh? The fact is: it’s not. Not getting video of one’s first skydive is a super-common regret, and we wish it didn’t happen so often. Here’s a quick lil’ education to help ensure that you don’t fall victim, too!
1. We Protect You Against Almost Every Other Regret–and This One, Too, Actually, As Long As You Give Us The Green Light!
You’d think that a first-time skydiver’s worst regret would be getting a grass stain on his/her butt. Nope! We provide jumpsuits. Perhaps the worst regret would be not understanding the process fully. Nope! We take pride on taking a lot of time with each student to help alleviate worries and educate each jumper on every step of the skydive.
Could the worst regret be making a jump at a dropzone that doesn’t seem to care what a big step you just made? Well, that happens at some dropzones, sure–but that is certainly not us.
In fact, we protect you against this one, too, by making sure that our tandem instructors are fitted with photography equipment and our top-notch air-to-air videographers are on staff when you jump…you just gotta say the word, and they’ll snag jaw-dropping images for you.
2. Sure, It’s An Added Expense…But It’s A Worthy One. Here’s Why.
There are some moments in life that happen once, and never again. The first kiss as a married couple–the first time you hold your new child–the first time you smile out at a crowd holding your hard-earned degree. There’s a theme here, right? Firsts only happen once, and you want to make sure they’re captured on record forever. Even if you do a hundred–a thousand–skydives after that first one, you’ll never make a first jump again. Isn’t that reason enough to make sure you have something to show for it? We certainly think so!
3. We Staff Great Photographers, And We Pay Them Accordingly.
Snagging great footage of a skydive from an outside perspective is a feat. Remember, these guys have to fall relative to a tandem pair at 120 miles per hour, managing their own bodyflight while matching the subject of their footage, while manipulating multiple photography apparatuses, communicating with the tandem instructor and keeping a cheerful smile on their face. It’s not an easy job, and photographers are phenomenal at it! We highly value them, so we compensate them according to their value–a philosophy we’re sure you agree with.
4. Photo-And-Videoless First-Timers Are Sad About It.
We wouldn’t say it if it weren’t a recurring theme: folks who opt out of video for their skydive are bummed, and there’s no way we can turn back the clock and turn their frowns upside down. We see it every weekend, so we want to shout it from the rooftops: C’mon! You want to be able to watch and rewatch this! Your Facebook feed does, too!
5. You’ll Love It Or Your Money Back!
Sounds like every other commercial on TV right? Well, we mean it! If you make the right choice of getting the adventure documented then we’re going to back you up with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy, let us know before you leave and we’ll hand you a refund…!
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