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The Best Skydiving Memes 


Wisconsin Skydiving Center Posted by: Wisconsin Skydiving Center 5 months ago

Skydiving memes funny enough to make even the most dedicated and serious jumpers laugh are what bring the community together! The world of skydiving has a unique culture filled with people who live for the next jump, the camaraderie of the dropzone, and the post-jump stories around the bonfire. Basically, this is the stuff dreams are made of, and we can’t wait for you to join us! Humor and relatability play a huge part in bringing avid skydivers and newcomers together, and the ol’ skydiving meme has become a fun and creative way to forge this bond.

Hang on as we dive into some gold standard skydiving memes for our curious baby birds and veteran jumpers. Let’s go! 

Skydiving Memes, Who Cares? 

A parachute meme is more than just a funny picture with a caption, they’re (dare we say) a vital part of the community! Parachute memes can encapsulate the excitement, nerves, and unique experiences that only those who have jumped can understand. And, on the other hand, a parachuting meme can bridge the gap between those who jump and those who have yet to take the leap. A skydiving meme gif can be the perfect introduction to the sport and act in demystifying the sport to make it less intimidating.

You don't need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a parachute to go skydiving twice.

What’s the most popular funny skydive meme? The “you don’t need a parachute to go skydiving” meme is a prominent one for SURE and is one of the most well-known. This meme is more a play on words than a specific photo, but we like this version using The Office.

Skydiving Memes For Newbies 

Any “parachute guy” meme immediately becomes a favorite among the skydiving community and beyond. These memes capture an essence that is accessible and enjoyable for everyone, not only those who regularly jump from perfectly good airplanes. 

Laughter is a universal language. Here are some of our favorites!

Skydives trying to convince other people to dive: "You're more likely to die in a car accident." Also skydivers: skydiving in a car.

Can skydivers actually use “props” when they jump? Yep! With proper education and a skydiving license, the possibilities are endless.

Graph showing the tandem container at the end of a busy Saturday being heavier than the sun, neutron star, and black hole.

A tandem skydiving rig weighs about 50 lbs! At the end of a long, hot day that feels prettyyyy heavy. We’re beyond thankful to our dedicated instructors!

Jack Dorsey's headshot with the words "I made Twitter." Mark Zuckerberg's headshot with the words "I made Facebook." Steve Jobs with the words "I made Apple." Bill Booth's headshot with the words "That's cute."

Mr. Bill Booth (Mr. “That’s Cute”) is a founding father for modern-day skydiving. He invented the 3-ring system, which allows us to efficiently release our main canopy in the event of a malfunction.

Do you have time for one more jump?
Me who needs to be an hour from the DZ in 45 minutes: Yeah, I've got time.

When we say that skydivers love skydiving, that’s an understatement. We REALLY love skydiving, sometimes to a fault!

Baby crying with the words "waking up at 6am to work." Baby smiling with the words "waking up at 6am to skydive."

Of course, waking up for something you’re excited about is the best! This meme pertains to first-timers and impassioned jumpers, alike. Worried because you’re nervous and not ecstatic for your first jump? Don’t fret, that’s totally normal – the first-jump jitters! You’ve got this!

Skydiving Memes For Experienced Jumpers 

For those of us with multiple jumps under our belt, skydiving isn’t just a sport, it’s sort of a way of life. Our unique blend of wit and insight is perfectly captured in the following memes. Do we actually think one manufacturer is better than the other or concur that belly jumpers are terrible? Of course not! This is all in good fun.

Meme. When you walk into the packing room and see the belly fliers who took 14 seconds to setup a 2 way linked exit (man punching dummies).
Meme. AFFI: So tell me about what happened on that jump. Student: Sideways face with a turning wheel that says loading.
Meme. Explaining how difficult 4-way VFS is: complex math equation. Explaining how difficult 4-way belly is: I wear 5 pounds of lead because fall rate is hard.
Me going to manifest to set up the sunset big way belly: theatre sign for 15 bad. boys for 8:00.
Meme. Guy: I'm at a 3.9 wingloading for XRW. Woman: And you do more than a 90 on your swoop right? Man: Nothing. Woman: More than a 90 right?
Mr. Bean as Aerodyne looking on UPTs paper.
Meme. Woman in bed looking at spouse: "I bet he's thinking about angles." Man looking to the site: "Whoever decided to call it a reserve and not a spare-a-chute really missed an opportunity."
Thing I trust more than the $300 Micro Raven Reserve you're selling on Facebook #10683: Dollar Tree Lobster
Meme. Before the zoo dive: Margot Robbie as Barbie in a convertible. After the zoo dive: Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer smoking a cigarette.
Meme. Select all the panels containing a wingsuiter who will land at the DZ (no wingsuiter to select).

Skydiving Memes, How To Make Your Own

A meme parachute is an essential part of any social media toolkit, ready to deploy exactly when it’s needed! All you need to create funny skydiving memes is a sense of humor, a bit of creativity, inspiration, and a quick meme generator, such as Canva. Here’s a few steps to get you started: 

  1. Find your inspiration.
    Think about common experiences that avid skydivers or novices can relate to – memes are the best when they’re all inclusive. 
  1. Select an image or video.
    This could be from a popular movie or show, another well-known meme, or something you capture yourself! 
  1. Create the caption.
    The caption is what it’s all about! Memes hold the power of being super relatable in only a few words, it’s critical to nail this part. 
  1. Generate it!
    Using Canva, Meme Generator, or something else that suits your fancy, put everything together. If you’re a little snazzy with your editing skills and want to create an animated funny skydiving gif, that’s an option, too. 
  1. Share it.
    The entire point of the meme is to share it with others! Download it and post it, heck, print it out and paste it on the dropzone wall (get permission first, of course)! Your new and old friends are sure to give their feedback. 

Whether you’re a first-time jumper, a passionate skydiver, or someone who has yet to be initiated into the grand world of skydiving, we can’t wait to have you – come jump with us today!
